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Key from rubric constellation - SAGITTARIUS - THE ARCHER - Genetive: Sagittarii. Sagittarius constellation represents a centaur aiming an arrow toward Antares, the bright star that marks the scorpion’s heart. It is also frequently associated with Crotus, the son of Pan, who invented archery and lived on Mount Helicon. Crotus was said to have two feet and a satyr’s tail. Sagittarius is also sometimes wrongly associated with the centaur Chiron, represented by Centaurus constellation. Find on wikipedia...

Social network: @SAGITTARIUS

NickName generator:

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How do create a nickname?

generate nickname
  • Enter your keyword. The specified word will always be displayed first when generated.
  • Super word - if ticked. Then the word "positive/cool" will appear before the name.
  • Foreign words - select the desired language and the generator will produce a random foreign word.
  • Beautiful words on the topic - select the desired heading and the generator will select a random word on the given topic.
  • You can also specify a prefix for the name, select the case and with what character to separate words in the name
  • If you want to decorate your nickname, copy it and go to the decoration section.

The name base contains over 10 trillion raw values, and the number of possible variants generated can be measured in decillions. The decillion is 1 and 33 zeros (10 to the 33rd power). If you could not think of a name on our website, perhaps you are not looking well?